As I am very enthusiastic about your software for supporting dyslexics, I would like to take a moment to report back from my holiday. Briefly about the application: I have been involved with reading education and, of course, dyslexia for many years, both as a primary school teacher of many years, as a didactician and as an author of reading books. For the first time, I see my opinion and experience fully confirmed by your concept. There are many concepts that I couldn’t do anything with, that were repugnant to me in their basic concept (…this is inherited,…this is damage to the brain, etc.,…there is nothing you can do, you have to tolerate it…, in short, the pathologisation of the problem). Now I realise that dyslexia is a very complex problem, but I can still see very close links with the first reading method. Quite a few dyslexics are home-made by the method, or could of course be avoided. I particularly like the focus on visual perception and visual skills. I am currently trialling your product on my granddaughter, who has just finished first grade and has struggled with exactly these problems. She had difficulties learning to read, although she was very motivated, had a great interest in books and, according to the test, is above average in the various areas of perception.
I see the problem in a purely synthetic reading method that did not match the child’s very holistic abilities. I believe that the eye movements, gaze jump sizes, fixation time, etc. were simply not right for her. I now really see your programme as a great opportunity to train these skills. I have recommended your software in many discussions with colleagues and students (I teach at the Pedagogical Academy – primary school teacher training) and it will also be integrated into the teacher training programme (will be ordered especially for the Academy!!!).