I am currently the only teacher at the school using your software, as I am teaching all the remedial lessons for children with reading and spelling difficulties or “recognised” dyslexics this school year. I work with the programme as part of the remedial lessons, which take place twice a week in addition to the regular timetabled lessons. The group sizes are between 2 and 6 pupils from years 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. Not all children have reading difficulties, some only have problems with spelling. I have two computers at my disposal for the lessons. The children either worked on their programme with me as the teacher or in pairs, with one pupil taking on the role of the teacher. The other children were given other tasks. I particularly liked the following exercises: – individual letters: Interference, eye jump – multiple letters: Interference, gaze jump and recognising at a glance – Reading texts: Eye movements, regressions and jumping the gaze too early The children usually made rapid progress with the exercises on letters in particular, although concentration also plays a crucial role here.
I can recommend the programmes for children who have visual difficulties, get stuck on individual letters or words or confuse certain letters. The individual exercises also helped me with the diagnosis and it became clearer to me exactly where the problems lie. Overall, in my opinion, your programme is very suitable for working with individual children who have very specific problem areas in reading.
Translated by celeco