Anja Klische
Leseschwächen gezielt beheben
Targeted correction of reading difficulties
Individual diagnosis and therapy with the celeco software
Those who cannot read are quickly left behind. Now the Celeco computer programme promises a quick remedy. It is based on the realisation that dyslexia, as a serious learning disability, can have very different causes. The various individual skills required for reading can be insufficiently developed or poorly coordinated. With Celeco, Anja Klische first analysed the personal causes of reading problems in children and young people. Each child then received tailored therapy with the programme. The results of this study show that it is possible to drastically reduce the number of reading errors within one session. The affected children and adolescents are able to read almost error-free within a short period of time. In this way, they are given the chance to graduate from school in line with their other talents and abilities.
ISBN 978-3-8288-9317-7
Tectum Verlag