Dear celeco team,
The celeco programme is extremely good if you want to train the perception of dyslexic pupils. First of all, you can test when a pupil’s head is confused by too many letters, then you can stimulate the brain to learn to look by fading the words in and out over time. The rewards are great too. Our son, who was very happy to start reading a page from the centre, was extremely trained to read in order by being forced to read from left to right in syllables with the mouse. So, I am very enthusiastic and as you can see, I am referring to your old version. I am very curious to see what your new version can do and will be very happy to give you feedback. I have also mentioned your old version to some schools. But I’m not quite sure whether they will use it. But it would also be a great way for schools to train children at school. There are so many support groups in primary schools that this would certainly be an interesting way of using your programme.

Yours sincerely
Cristina S.

Translated by celeco