In the press
In our press review you will find some articles from newspapers, magazines and the Internet.
In our press review you will find some articles from newspapers, magazines and the Internet.
Gehirn&Geist, July/August 2008 A new method first analyses the biological cause of children with reading difficulties and then designs an individually tailored treatment programme using a computer. With success: a quarter of an hour's training reduces reading errors by almost two thirds. Kevin's mum was overjoyed: "I've been going [...]
Psychology Today (Psychologie Heute) A computer programme helps dyslexics achieve success quickly The television breaks down in the middle of the most exciting scene. The picture is black, nothing works. The TV mechanic arrives, takes it apart and thinks about what the problem could be. He checks the fuses, [...]
GEO 9/2002 Thanks to new, customisable software, dyslexics should learn to read more easily. They either read haltingly and incorrectly or fluently without understanding what they are reading: Around 10 per cent of primary school pupils in the German-speaking world lag well behind the class average in their reading [...]
Buersche Zeitung, 11 March 2005 Number 59 School counselling centre: remedying girls' and boys' reading weaknesses "The boys and girls either read haltingly and incorrectly or they read fluently without understanding anything," says Dr Jürg-Michael Thurm from the school psychology advice centre on Auf dem Bettau Street. "Around ten [...]
Deutsche Apothekerzeitung 142nd volume 25.04.2002 No. 17 Neuropsychologist Reinhard Werth from the Institute of Social Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the LMU Munich has developed a learning programme to combat dyslexia. Schoolchildren affected by reading difficulties can be treated individually on the computer. Werth originally used the method of [...]