What is being diagnosed?

Fixation How long do the word segments have to be presented for the child to recognise them reliably? Recognise at a glance How many letters of a word can be recognised at the same time? Is the recognition performance sufficient for fluent reading? Call-up time Wird das Gesehene zeitnah [...]

How does the training work?

Train individual performances that are too weak First of all, the programme helps to reduce the performance weakness through systematic training. Example: If a child can only read word segments with a length of 3 letters, he or she will practise recognising segments with a length of 4 letters [...]

Homework function

Homework The spftware has an interface to the celeco Professional Edition. Receive exercises from the therapist or specialist counsellor The Professional Edition is the version of Reading the right way intended for therapists and specialist carers. With the help of the Professional Edition, exercises can also be set as [...]

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